August 25, 2007

In The News 3rd Edition

OK, now I've finally the chance to create a new edition of this little informative tidbit I'd like to call In The News. Let's get started.

High School Musical 3: will show in a theater near you
Though talks are still being conducted as to whether the whole original cast will join the first-ever big screen version of High School Musical, or more simply known as HSM3. Disney proclaimed in February that they were going to make a Halloween-themed sequel but later discarded it. The original producers, director and scriptwriters have already signed in though. Boy will the release of this crap be a freakin' nighmare. On the bright side, Yahoo! headlines it as "High School Musical 3 Could Be In Trouble"... does this mean that the threequel is experiencing some money matters? We'll see...

A dose of LL: "I'm addicted."
Lindsay Lohan released a statement that stated her addiction towards drugs. Do you think this is merely a joke... or maybe a lawyer-written statement (because she's busy hiking and white-water rafting in Utah)? Here's the whole statement, courtesy of E! Online:
"It is clear to me that my life has become completely unmanageable because I am addicted to alcohol and drugs.

"Recently, I relapsed and did things for which I am ashamed. I broke the law, and today I took responsibility by pleading guilty to the charges in my case. No matter what I said when I was under the influence on the day I was arrested, I am not blaming anyone else for my conduct other than myself. I thank God I did not injure others. I easily could have.
"I very much want to be healthy and gain control of my life and career and have asked for medical help in doing so. I am taking these steps to improve my life. Luckily, I am not alone in my daily struggle and I know that people like me have succeeded. Maybe with time it will become easier. I hope so."

Is it really a sincere little letter or just something she didn't even read? You decide... in the poll!


Jet Li: "I'm gettin' old"

...for fighting that is. He and Jackie Chan topbill a film called "The Forbidden Kingdom". When asked how intense the fight scenes were, he said, "Low expectations are in order... when we look back 15 years ago, a project like this would've fit our passions which were at their peaks. But now, when we saw the final product, we'd joke about how our ages would sum up to a hundred."

The movie is about an American teenager's fantasy journey to find the mythological Monkey King. It shows next spring (America).

Paramount Pictures move to HD-DVD camp: a bribe?
The New York Times has reported about the $150M deal with the HD-DVD camp which means that this wasn't really a move that was initiative to the Viacom company, which owns Paramount and Dreamworks. Consumers are presently set in the crossfire and just buy DVD players that upscale to High-definition instead... so they can enjoy the high quality they can expect from these warring home video formats.

Controversial game gets Adults Only rating
Take-Two Entertainment, publisher of games such as the Grand Theft Auto series, has made a toned-down version of its much awaited shooter, Manhunt 2. It's about an amnesiac scientist who escapes from an asylum and is capable of performing killing moves.

The adverse effects of receiving an "Adults Only" rating include:
--> Less to no sales (because big retailers do not stock them)
--> Unreadable to systems (the PS3, X360 and Wii do not allow AO rated games to be played)

Take-Two is also currently taking time to finish Grand Theft Auto 4, due for a release in the next year... probably April or May, as opposed to the October '07 release date previously stated.

X-Box 360 wheel controllers: yet another repair problem for Microsoft
Microsoft already has to contend with the 'red ring of death' XBox 360 lock-up problem, now they have to deal with overheating XBox 360 wheel controllers. $1 Billion has been the company's approximate to fix the 230,000 wheels sold worldwide. They have yet to disclose the replacement parts they'll ship.
<-- The four rings of death. Courtesy: Wikipedia
3D-enabled PS3: Do we ready some dorky goggles?
People will try NOT to remember the days of the 3D-enabled Virtual Boy. It caused eye strain and all sorts of optical disease, thus causing its demise. Now with this rumor out in the open, is PS3 seriously going that direction?

Filmmakers have long been interested in the technology. As far as we know, James Cameron (Titanic) has used this technology for his upcoming film called Avatar. And in a presentation by Mitsubishi, people were amazed with this technology and since what they used was a Blu-ray player which can convert 2D films to 3D films on the fly, the rumors started... especially because the PS3 is the ONLY gaming console to be capable of that (reading Blu-ray discs).

A little surprise: PS3 overpowers XBOX360 sales
Though switch-and-bait was at play when the 60GB PS3 price was decreased, the sales went up anyway... even higher than the XBox 360 in July sales! Who knew?

Mother Teresa: Not the saint we know?
She worked and died in Calcutta doing charity work for "Missionaries of Charity" which she founded. But in unpublished communication letters with several priests and confessors (which have now been published), she doubts the church and feels spiritual pain and emptiness. She even doubted His existence one time and compared life with hell in one of the letters.

It makes you wonder if she was merely a false saint...

A Hole in the Universe: It has nothing... nothing at all.
Scientists have discovered a universal hole that seems to contain nothing at all. Fascinating, isn't it?

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