February 21, 2008

BLU-RAY vs HD-DVD: The War Is Finally Over

Yup folks, it's true. Blu-ray has won the High Definition battle and Sony has had its revenge (for the failed Betamax).

Bloggers have been speculating over the weekend about HD-DVD's demise. And it seems to have become official when Toshiba announced its surrender on February 20 (Philippine time). So yeah, they're getting all those cheap 100 dollar players off the shelves and ceasing production of the optical discs and letting Blu-ray fully bask in the limelight. It could have also been affected by several obvious factors such as Warner Bros.' move to exclusively support Blu-ray, as well as the loyalty of the many others before it. From the start I thought Blu-ray would win this, and I was right.

It seems that the only future of CD's we'll be going through is blu. PS3's will be flying off the shelves and surpass Wii (it almost did it one time), and price drops are going to be very, very frequent for the players and the discs. So expect to see a 300 dollar PS3 in like, 7 months or so, as well as standalone Blu-ray players that will be dirt-cheap. I just don't know how Filipinos will be able to react to this. I mean, we have no law stating that we should cut out all analog television stations and make the switch to HD or something, and Filipinos don't really care about the HD revolution so... the future is still pretty bleak locally at least. I mean, pirated DVD's are still the rage for Pete's sake!

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