May 29, 2008

Prince of Persia! Damn!

Hot off the success of Assassin's Creed comes Ubisoft's Montreal new game: Prince of Persia: Heir Apparent. What's changed here is that one, there is a new story therefore; two, there are a slew of new characters and; three, it's so gonna kick ass on next-gen.

I am so stoked to finally play a new prince with new graphics and better gameplay. And how much better can you expect from a Prince of Persia game and Ubisoft Montreal itself?

I am a bit worried, though. Since it uses the same engine as Assassin's Creed, I'm gonna have to expect some steep, steep requirements since I don't have a PS3 nor 360, and the DS version is totally gonna suck.DS?
Yes, like Assassin's Creed before it, the franchise will be receiving the DS treatment, and that chore will be handled by Ubisoft Morocco, so I'll hold out in downloading it until the reviews come out.

The developers at Ubisoft Montreal are now going for a different visual style, and it's gonna be cel-shading (in which they refer to as "an illustrative look"). Combine that with photorealistic locales, and you have yourself an awesome experience, particularly because they're pulling all the stops in the graphics department like using light bloom, dust and particle effects, etc.

Release date?
Right now, the release date has been set to a predictable Holiday release, so it'll most probably come out the same time as Assassin's Creed did last year.

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