October 10, 2008

Tokyo Game Show: Stuff I Like

It's the Tokyo Game Show and there are a few announcements and reiterations that I particularly think are worth mentioning. Aside from No More Heroes 2, there are quite a few exciting stuff in display. And now I present my "Top 5 Stuff from TGS So Far".

5) Patapon 2
Although I haven't played the first one (because I don't even have a PSP), Patapon looked like a great game. I mean, an RTS with rhythm elements? Top that with a quirky art style and bam you got yourself a pretty unique game, which is why PSP owners have reason to rejoice for a sequel to the lauded game. "Pata pata pata pon!"

4) Professor Layton and the Final Time Journey
I've been wanting to play the Professor Layton series, but from what I've heard, the first game was pretty game. Now there's a sequel. Great, I think I gotta get cracking on the first one.

3) Street Fighter IV
SF4 looks awesome. As in, really. Fighting fan? Go get it when it hits shelves.

2) XBox Experience
I don't have a 360, but the features in the upgrade look stunning. The New Xbox Experience will probably attract a lot more people into buying the console because of the excellent look, and the movie rental features as well as the Community features. Especially me, lol. Look for it in November- if your 360 still works.

I still think they ripped off Nintendo's initial idea, though.

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1) Prince of Persia
I just can't get over about how stunning it looks. I can't wait to play it!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm also looking forward to the next Layton (the first one rocks), No More Heroes 2, and Street Fighter IV. I'm not sure what to think of the New Xbox Experience just yet...

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