October 26, 2009

Chronicles of a Windows XP Upgrader #1

I excitedly opened up my copy of Windows 7 (yes, excitedly) and hastened to boot up my Windows XP rig. After waiting for the system to load and force uninstalling RK Launcher, I popped in the CD and clicked "Install Now".

I clicked "Next" a few times", but there was something that caught my eye: there was no straight-up "Upgrade" option.

I chose "Custom". It said that the my files wouldn't be moved, and Windows 7 can only be installed in a partition. It was like Microsoft was giving me the finger, and I was tempted to give one back.

So I exited the installer and searched the interwebs for a Windows XP to Windows 7 upgrade path-- or a lack of it.

Yeah, it seems a direct non-destructive upgrade from XP to 7 is night impossible, at least through Microsoft's own installer, so the only way for me to be able to simulate something near that would be to... update to Windows Vista.

Or maybe I can just use this.

Then again, I want to move my programs too, not just my files. I googled for another way, and found this.

This way, I can make a virtual copy of my hard drive, and just download the same software over to Windows 7. But I want to make a Clean Install for once, so I'll need an external hard drive... but the one we have is broken. Sigh.

If only Microsoft just put the damn "Upgrade" option in the first place for XP users! I haven't installed 7 yet and it's already making a bad first impression.

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