November 6, 2009

iDo think the Droid has potential.

I never blog that much about Android (hell, the last time I blogged about it was 2 years ago or something), but with the recent attention-grabbing (aggressive) ad campaign conducted by Verizon, it's hard not to give notice to its new flagship Android phone, the Motorola Droid.

It's Transformers-like, really. The ad, I mean.

The real product is... well, it's being touted as the world's slimmest phone... with a slide-out keyboard.

It's not ugly by any means, but it looks very boxy. Still, the biggest star of the show is the new Android 2.0 which comes out of the box. Looks very slick and responsive, but still not as responsive as the iPhone.

Then again, it could be attributed to hardware, which purportedly lacks multi-touch. This video proves otherwise though.
The product looks wonderful, and I can't wait for it to come here (or at CEL Manila? Maybe I'll go again this year)... I so want to tinker with a full-fledged model!

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