This 5 and a half day weekend was frankly boring but hey, a break from school is always good for your health! It was a week of firsts for me and some lasts for others as you may know from my previous post but still I can call it one hell of a week anyway.
Let's start with the firsts:
"Weird Al" Yankovic - As you may have noticed, I have an addiction for the songs of this guy. Heck, I've never seen someone rap faster than most white men except Marshall Mathers! I'm currently trying to memorize the rap of White and Nerdy! It's crazy! Would this (my memorization of a rap) be considered a first for me? I guess so. LOL.
DS Pokemon Game - Many people have raved about it. And since I have a DS, why not buy this game? Plus, this can help with my Pyookemon project!
Torrents - Limewire has updated and now it can support torrents! But I don't understand this torrent thing... Can someone explain this to me?!
Interesting music of years past - Ranging from popular songs of the troubled 80's to the alternative-grunge scene in the 90's, the parodies have shown me an enjoyable way to explore the libraries of music hidden in imeem.
And then there are the disappointments:
My cousin's car - It wasn't carjacked, but the radio was stolen... as well as his jacket (because it was raining). They've filed a report... but I don't think they'll ever find a lead.
My mother's cousin's daughter - As you may know, it was a sad passing of a wholesome 9-year old child.
The friggin' neighbor in Quezon City - As if my cousin doesn't already have many problems! This neighbor can make most anyone mad... hell, most everyone in the townhouse is!
Track Air Force 2
1 year ago
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