My mother's cousin's daughter just died a few hours ago. Though unknown, it has been speculated it must've been something she ate after school (Wednesday).
She had coughing fits and habitual barfing as well as abnormal body temperature the past week and was prescribed medicine. She improved and eventually got well but a week later, it went back and upon arriving at the hospital, the virus eventually hit the brain.
Yes, for the past 3 days she has been brain-dead. And now, her body has gone on with her brain... said to be a sweet 9-year old girl by her family, her tragic death was evidently a big loss for them. Though I don't personally know the girl, I extend my condolences to them... and for the girl. She fought a courageous war... but nature eventually had its way.
It could be the outdoor snacks... or just something she inhaled or something. Doctors are still investigating what happened to this poor, wholesome little girl... so all the family can do was wait.
Cases like this must be happening right now... so thank your horses you don't probably have it... whatever it is.
We formerly lived in 24C Makaturing St., Biak na Bato, Quezon City. So what the heck is this address about... especially with a title like that?!, you may ask. Well, the news here is that my cousin (who's getting hitched, LOL) is gonna permanently (until future plans/notice) live here with his wife. And our possibly and supposedly gay, but married-to-a-girl neighbor doesn't want to shut the hell up with the friggin' roof! (Oh I forgot, the unit is currently being renovated.) He told his lies to the barangay and even went plastik when the police (my dad called for) came! A man like this should be charged in court! Too bad my parents are too civilized for that. Plus, he wanted to have a brawl... or rather, a gunfight with my cousin (who regularly goes there to see the progress of the renovation). Heck, he even took off his shirt in the process!
He pointed his gun to the workers and threatened them if they fiddle with the roof, and even pointed the said gun to the security guards as well! Talk about eccentric. If his continued meddling with renovation affairs continues, where the hell would the married couple (which is of course, my cousin and his girl if you forgot) live then?! The wedding's in September for God's sakes! Why can't he just f**k off?!
[NOTE to Daniel (because he lives in the same townhouse): Buti na lang hindi kayo kinukulit ng gagong 'to!]
"Weird Al" Yankovic- I have probably been drugged or something, but man his spoofs don't get old! Search YouTube for his songs and watch them. It's a guaranteed blast for Star Wars fans, eBay junkies or simply a plain person... for his songs are totally relatable for most people of all walks of life. He'll most probably make your day... so if you want to start viewing his hilarious spoofs, try the current YouTube vid of the week located down below. It's sure to be a treat even if you don't know the song it spoofs (which is Chamillionaire's "Ridin' Dirty).
Track Air Force 2
1 year ago
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