August 21, 2007

Of Mandy Moore and Umbrellas

As you may have known by now, Mandy Moore has covered Rihanna's monster of a hit- Umbrella. And it has been proven that even wholesome, non-party pop stars have a career slump. Her films License to Wed, which was a funny premise made bad, and the uncomfortable mother-daughter chick flick, Because I Said So, were not really hits here in the Philippines, and she is just plain obscure for many people today when music is the one being talked about. It's a plain shame that she has to cover a song terribly to gain a bit of popularity in the music scene. Is this a view of things to come from Mandy? Or just a little diversion from the usual candy-pop fare we get from her? Who knows?... and maybe for some, who cares?!

Box Office Report
Who knew an R-rated, raunchy sex teen comedy could come out as a big hit? Starring 2 unknowns (Jonah Hill and Michael Sera) along with Seth Rogen (from the critically acclaimed R-rated sex comedy Knocked Up), the film called Superbad is about 2 teens who want to hook up with a girl before going their separate ways in college. But after a mishap while buying alcohol, they end up having to worry more about their separation anxieties than ever! It is believed that strong advertising (esp. in YouTube, as I have noticed) and word-of-mouth helped Sony achieve the top spot at the box office. It even beats Rush Hour 3 and Bourne!

What I thought was gonna be a generic teen romance-fantasy affair is actually a novel-based film written by the acclaimed Neil Gaiman! Who knew? I guess I'm gonna read the book first.... It looks splendid to me now. Haha.

His Dark Materials: The Golden Compass
I've read a part of this book and even I consider it a great book! Maybe you should try catching the movie if you're not much of an avid reader... heck, I'm not much of an avid reader myself! It opens on December... probably Christmas. And it even has huuge star power to boot! (Daniel Craig and Nicole Kidman who just worked together on The Invasion, "reunites" here along with new discovery, Dakota Blue Richards who topbills as the leading lady named Lyra of the trilogy of books by Philip Pullman called His Dark Materials).

Kristen Bell on Heroes
The girl who played detective in Veronica Mars is now going to be a Hero... or if not, a part of its cast for at least 13 episodes as a mysterious girl named Elle. This is probably a significant move for her since Veronica Mars was replaced for yet another season of that useless reality show called Search For The Next Doll. Yes, it has a second season, and they even haven't recorded their second album with the winner (Asia something) of the first season yet!

HD-DVD and Blu-ray: What about the Philippines?

The HD-DVD and Blu-ray format wars are still raging on and neither one of them is holding back. At least, that's what the companies that created them, Toshiba and Sony respectively, are saying. But honestly, Blu-ray sales have been doing better than HD-DVD but it seems to be catching up. HD-DVD hasn't been rolled out here in the Philippines but Blu-ray has. Astrovision and Astroplus stores are already selling them at 1700 pesos a piece. Ouch.
So why should you care anyway? it will affect your viewing (Blu-ray has all studios except Universal and HD-DVD has Warner Bros. and Universal Pictures) AND gaming experience (Blu-ray is being applied via the PS3). DVD will be phased out and one of these will become the norm. Though Blu-ray seems to be winning, HD-DVD may be the real winner here. Certain circumstances have led to me to believe this. One example is the piracy and how easy it is with HD-DVD. There hasn't been any reported cases of piracy with Blu-ray but it'll eventually happen. The only use we'll probably have
for Blu-ray is for backing-up files because of its whopping 50GB capacity (double-layered, 120GB for multi-layered). What will be the norm, I dunno. It's just gonna have to be another replay of the Betamax/VHS wars. Who even has an HDTV anyway? 'Coz the experience will just be identical to DVD without a 7ch Surround Sound system and a 1080p HDTV.

Nokia N95 vs. Apple iPhone

An Apple product has never been this much hyped-about since '85 and it seems to hit all the right notes... especially as a music player. But the Nokia N95, which is also an admirable smartphone in its own right, is also a great phone with multimedia capabilities and a great videocam to boot! So who do you think will win this prizefight of the two colossi smartphones of this generation? Well, scroll on to Round one and see. (Judged by a scale of 1-5 and has CNet reviews as a basis.)

Round One: Sexiness
iPhone : 5
The iPhone's obviously sleek, thin and light. Plus, the glass touch screen is to die for. Apple's obviously no slouch to technological design.
Nokia N95: 3
It has a convenient double slider design, but it's chunky and just looks like the ugly stepsister of the iPhone.

WINNER: iPhone

Round Two: Navigation
one: 3
Being a fully-touch screen operated device, the iPhone navigation will definitely hav
e a learning curve. Plus, the tactileness of real buttons are pretty hard to live without... though Apple still made a good job making menus as user-friendly and appealing as they can.
Nokia N95: 4
Having more than 20 buttons in total, the N95 is definitely a chunky one. B
ut navigation is nonetheless, easier and more familiar. Plus, there are also music-dedicated controls smartly placed at the top, making it easier to switch between different music.

WINNER: Nokia N95

Round Three: Features
iPhone: 3
iPhone is purty, but being purty has a cost. It doesn't MMS, it doesn't have 3G and it can't even send SMS to multiple contacts! Plus, the 2-MP camera is flat compared to the 5MP camera of the Nokia N95... and it even lacks video recording! But, the iPhone excels in its Safari web browser which offers a great web experience as well as its handy music player wherein you can sift through cover art and flip to play.

Nokia N95: 4
The N95 is just the one that can certainly be called a jack-of-all-trades, it has 3G, WiFi, and even GPS that kicks Google Maps ass! Plus, there's also the presence of a 5-megapixel camera and an amazing video recorder! The media player and browser (except for the Flash-enabled feature) isn't as amazing as the iPhone's though.
Round Four: Media Experience
iPhone: 5
The people at Cupertino weren't kidding when they said that the iPhone was the best iPod they ever made. It has clean, rich sound (but the headphones could be better) and the video quality was fantastic. Plus, sifting through cover flow is purely intuitive making it one of the leaders of media-enabled phones in the market.

Nokia N95: 4
Nokia didn't really ace out in the music department, but they did in the video quality department. It is up to par and sometimes, even better than iPhone's video quality. Crappy sound controls mar the experience somewhat.

Final Round: Call Quality
iPhone: 3
It not really much of a winner here but it's still good. It has slight hissing and static but it's still OK, but not dependable.

Nokia N95: 3
There wasn't much difference to discern between the two. Even if the N95 can tie up to more carriers.


MAIN WINNER: With 19 points is the iPhone. Though the Nokia N95 has a monster-packed feature set, the multimedia functions and eye candy of the iPhone trumps all of them.
The Nokia N95 had 18 points making it a very, very close battle.


  1. You know, I actually liked her version a lot (Mandy's) I think it's her voice...

    come to think of it, Mandy cannot act. She knows how to sing (I was judging from the old songs... 17, Candy, Crush, It's Gonna be love etc...)

    About Superbad. I'd see boring Bourne and most definitely Rush Hour 3 but I will never watch Superbad.. No offense, that's in my opinion. I just can't appreciate that kind of toilet-type comedy (sorry - I call all Will Ferrel-esque movies toilet-type)... I like Knocked Up - Seth Rogen is great but Superbad? I think one of the actors, the thinner one, was from Nickelodeon or disney or some Child Tv show of some sort. I find it a bit inappropriate for him to be in an R-rated movie.

    But as long as the crowd likes it, it may be a great movie :)

    ... and Kristen Bell on Heroes. This is where I first heard it! I think it's gonna be great. i most certainly love Veronica Mars (now that she's with piz). I'm looking forward to iT!

    As for Stardust, I think they turned it into a movie?

  2. I'm not saying that Superbad is something I'd watch either and yes, Stardust IS a movie now. Plus, I think you'd reconsider Will Ferell as a relatively good actor when you watch Stranger Than Fiction. It's probably his ONLY serious movie.


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