August 23, 2007

"Weird Al"'s our assignment...

My addiction's not pointless anymore. But I don't even know what the heck "You Don't Love Me Anymore" is! How Ironic.

(Speaking of Weird Al) Listen to This:
A mellow, steady beat combined with lyrics no one can beat, Usher's confessions has just reached another level.

GAMING (Not much of a) Jaw-dropper: Rock Band - now on the PS2

Obviously, EA and Harmonix know that the PS3 is a total flop.

If you shunned Harmonix for the decision to release such an ambitious project in next-gen consoles, shun no more. PS3 content is definitely also going to the PS2... considering the large fanbase it has.

It's still speculated that the pricing may well be at the hundreds. Pre-orders have reached to a hundred and ninety-nine point ninety-nine dollars, making people believe that this pricing scheme is in finality. Unfortunately, Harmonix isn't ready to reveal a real price yet so... a pirated version is a sure sell.

This venture by EA Games, Harmonix and MTV has made recording companies offer more master tracks, therefore increasing its big fanbase that Harmonix built with the Guitar Hero series... into potential garage bands and lots more. A Wii version might be on the works.

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