April 3, 2008

Read and Regret: The Toothbrush

There's a myth stating that when you leave your toothbrush anywhere near your bathroom, fecal matter scattering on it is inevitable. Well, I just watched Mythbusters on Discovery Channel and they performed a few scientific observations. For one month, they brushed their teeth like normal people and after the month has passed, they give it to a microbiologist for research. Well, her research yielded some horrifying results: Yes, fecal matter can get to your toothbrush, regardless whether it's covered or not. And get this, even the toothbrushes covered with glass and far from the bathroom to boot get particles of shit!

So yeah, I think this is why Ackley in The Catcher In The Rye doesn't brush his teeth. But don't get me wrong, if we have been brushing and putting poop in our mouth for all these years and still living, what's the harm of teeth maintenance anyway, right?

Still, it troubles me to the pit of my stomach and if I suffer, you have to suffer too. MUHAHAHAHA!
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