Disney-Pixar's imminent summer blockbuster Wall-E is sure to keep John Lasseter and Disney laughing all the way to the bank. But if you viewed Pixar's history of films, the only blemish they had was the lackluster Cars and even that earned a certified Fresh rating in Rotten Tomatoes. So as you can guess, Pixar- along with Finding Nemo (my favorite!) director Andrew Stanton- can do no wrong.
If you saw the trailer- either in the Internet or in the new Narnia flick- you'll find that the titular character (which is also short for Waste Allocation uhhh... -checks Rotten Tomatoes- Load Lifter Earth-Class) is honestly charming and adorably rusty even in those trailers. Oh, and he's funny too. CAPTION: The vacuum's stuck to my belly! (Click for video)
But despite the apparent lack of dialogue in the scenes, forgive my corniness, their actions speak louder than words and it also tells a larger story.
The big picture is about a post-apocalyptic Earth where the humans have fled to outerspace and Wall-E is the last robot on Earth and he's been doing what he has been doing for the past 200 or so years. He has a friend in that lone garbage-filled desert- a cockroach- but other than that, there's nothing else in his life.
Then comes the interplanetary robot Eve who looks like something out of an Apple product (although Jonathan Ives- designer at Apple- was said to have approved of its design beforehand) coming out of a spaceship. At first, she zaps Wall-E with her laser beams and then they fall in love. Who knows how this romance will fare, because the next thing you see is Wall-E clinging for dear life... IN A SPACESHIP!
This new and unique animated story may just be what we need in these troubled times, although it's only gonna be shown in late June (the 27th to be specific). However, I speak for many- if not everybody- when I say this: I want Wall-E NOW!
Track Air Force 2
1 year ago
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