April 20, 2010

Allow Me My Fanboy Moment

Can I just briefly tell you all that Capcom just announced Marvel vs. Capcom 3?

You do know what that means, right?


Unless you haven't played Marvel vs. Capcom 2, you probably won't know how significant this is. In fact, it's quite mind-blowing, so to speak.

It will be released in the second quarter of 2011 for the PS3 and 360. It is possible that plans for a PC version are non-existent, particularly because Super Street Fighter IV won't have one as well, but until Capcom announces a PC version, I might actually consider saving up for a PS3.

There's an announcement trailer that's gone viral, meaning it's likely to be seen in any game-related news outlet in the Internet. It uses in-game graphics and the characters just look absurdly good.

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